【ネイティブ発音そのまま真似るな】Friendsの早口キャラMonica & Chandlerの発音を完コピ

Friends早口キャラMonica & Chandlerの発音を完コピ

0:00 オープニング
0:41 レッスン概要
2:28 リスニングチャレンジ
3:27 意味取り
5:13 シラブル発音
20:15 フレーズのリズム発音
21:47 シャドーイング
23:18 まとめ


発音ディレクター Dr. D






She stole my jeans.
/shee stoul mai jeenz/

I have been looking for them all week
/ai hav bin look-in fur them-al week/

and she is wearing them.
/an sheez wer-in them/

and she is wearing them.
/an sheez wer-in them/

So, she stole your pants
/sou shee stoul-yor pants/

and then she came back
/an then shee keim bak/

and wore them in front of you?
/an wor them-in fron-duhv-yu/

Don’t you see? It’s the perfect crime.
/doun chu see, its thuh pur fekt kraim/

She must’ve been planning this for years.
/shee mus duv bin plan-in this fur yeerz/

I will prove it to you, okay?
/ai wul proo vit tu yu ou kei/

About a week ago,
/uh bau duh wee kuh gou/

I was wearing those jeans
/ai wuz wer-in thouz jeenz/

and I dropped a pen on my lap
/a-nai drahp duh pen-ahn mai lap/

and it left an ink stain on the crotch.
/a-nit lef-dan-ink stein-ahn the crahch/

Now when she comes back,
/nau wen shee kumz bak/

I will find it and show you that stain.
/ai wul fain-dit an shou yu that stein/

Honey, isn’t it possible
/huh nee, iz-nit pah suh bul/

that the company that sold the jeans
/that thuh kum puh nee that sould thuh jeenz/

made more than just one pair? I guess…
/meid mor than just wun per?, ai ges/

So shouldn’t we go give her
/sou shu-dun wi you giv-er/

the benefit of the doubt
/thuh be ne fi-duv thuh daut/

before we go snooping around her crotch.
/bi for wi gou snoo-pi-nuh raun-der crahch/



She stole my jeans. What? I have been looking for them all week and she is wearing them. So, she stole your pants and then she came back and wore them in front of you? Don’t you see? It’s the perfect crime. She must’ve been planning this for years.I will prove it to you, okay? About a week ago, I was wearing those jeans and I dropped a pen on my lap and it left an ink stain on the crotch. Now when she comes back, I will find it and show you that stain. Honey, isn’t it possible that the company that sold the jeans made more than just one pair? I guess…So shouldn’t we go give her the benefit of the doubt before we go snooping around her crotch.




About Dr.D 618 Articles
ドクターDイングリッシュの創立者。元プロミュージシャンで英語ボイトレ講師を経て2011年に発音スクール設立。YouTuber歴10年以上。日本の英語教育に発音を普及させるミッションを掲げ邁進中。淡路島で外国人専用Fishing Charterのオーナー船長も務める。

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