【プロが教える】Billy Joel – Honestyを上手に歌うコツ


発音ディレクター Dr.D

・ちなみに今回使用のギターはGibson J-45

Billy Joel – Honesty





If you search for tenderness
/i fyu ‘serch fer ‘ten der ‘nus/

It isn’t hard to find
/i ‘di zn ‘har tu ‘faind/

You can have the love you need to live
/’yoo kun ‘hav the ‘luh vyoo ‘nee tu ‘liv/

But if you look for truthfulness
/buh ‘di fyu ‘look fer ‘trooth ful ‘nus/

You might just as well be blind
/yoo mai(t) ‘jus duz ‘wel bi ‘blaind/

It always seems to be so hard to give
/i ‘dahl weiz ‘seems tu ‘bi suh ‘har tu ‘gi(v)/


Honesty is such a lonely word
/(v)’ah nus ‘tee iz ‘suh chuh ‘loun li ‘werd/

Everyone is so untrue
/’ev ri ‘wun niz ‘sou un ‘troo/

Honesty is hardly ever heard
/’ah nus ‘tee iz ‘har(d) li ‘e ver ‘herd/

And mostly what I need from you
/an ‘mous(t) li ‘wuh dai ‘need frum ‘yoo/

Let’s sing this song together

(Verse 1)
If you search for tenderness /A,D/
It isn’t hard to find /E,C#-/
You can have the love you need to live /D,F#-,G#-,E4/
But if you look for truthfulness /A,B4/
You might just as well be blind /E,Cdim,C#-/
It always seems to be so hard to give /D,G#,C#4/

Honesty is such a lonely word /D∆7,E7,C#,F#-/
Everyone is so untrue /D,E,A,C#/
Honesty is hardly ever heard /D∆7,E7,C#,F#-/
And mostly what I need from you /D,E,A,E4/

About Dr.D 618 Articles
ドクターDイングリッシュの創立者。元プロミュージシャンで英語ボイトレ講師を経て2011年に発音スクール設立。YouTuber歴10年以上。日本の英語教育に発音を普及させるミッションを掲げ邁進中。淡路島で外国人専用Fishing Charterのオーナー船長も務める。

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