【出場者Before/After】発音コンテスト2022 @ドクターDイングリッシュ




今回のコンテストでは皆様一人一人が本当に輝いておられました。今後さらなる成長を期待しています。(ディレクターDr. D)












最優秀賞 ・・・JTB旅行カタログギフト10万円 or Appleギフト10万円
優秀賞  ・・・JTB旅行カタログギフト5万円 or Appleギフト5万円





[poll id=”2″]


1位 れと。さん・・初回のうまいレベルからさらにナチュラルさと安定感が格段にあがった。一番ナチュラルな発音ができていてきいていて心地よい発音

2位 かずさん・・感情の見えない初回の発声から、イントネーションと発声の融合がよくなりナチュラルさが改善された。

3位 Ayakaさん・・まだ伸び代はあるものの、初回からの変化が大きく苦手な部分をしっかり克服できていた

Dr. Dの審査(チーフディレクター)

1位 macoさん・・評価シートにもあるとおり一番の「伸び幅」でした。特に発声とリズムの安定感が得られ発音全体が変わりました。

2位 Ayakaさん・・初回の硬い発音から徐々に喉の力が抜け最終的にはフレキシブルに発音が出来るようになりました。ここからの伸びはスムーズでしょう。

3位 RSさん・・なんといっても声の使い方がとても上手になりました。これからの成長が楽しみです!



1. azusa - 日本在住、30代



The residents in Flint have been forced to drink with, cook with and bathe with bottled water, while paying the highest water bills in the country for water that is infected with deadly legionella bacteria. It was natural for me to go to Flint, because industrial pollution, bacteria-contaminated water were all too familiar for me growing up in my hometown, Braddock, Pennsylvania, where my mother and I battled cancer and autoimmune disorders like lupus.


The residents in Flint have been forced to drink with, cook with and bathe with bottled water, while paying the highest water bills in the country for water that is infected with deadly legionella bacteria. It was natural for me to go to Flint, because industrial pollution, bacteria-contaminated water were all too familiar for me growing up in my hometown, Braddock, Pennsylvania, where my mother and I battled cancer and autoimmune disorders like lupus.


4回目 最終(Apr.3)

Comment from Dr. D


2. 岩堀美雪 - 日本在住、60代



I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.


I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.


4回目 最終(Apr.4)

Comment from Dr. D


3. れと。- 日本在住、20代

担当:Thomas Richter

今回、発音コンテストに申し込みさせていただきました理由は以下の3点でございます。 まず初めに、昨年の8月よりDr.D English様で発音レッスンの受講を開始してから、日々のレッスン、自学を通し受講前に比べ、格段に自分の英語発音は成長しました。担当トレーナーであるトーマストレーナーのお力添えに心から感謝しております。しかし、自学をする際に、自分の弱点は何なのか、もっと発音を良くするためには、例えばレッスンのどの項目を重点的に復習すべきなのかなど、自分1人では判断、解決が難しい問題に直面することが多々あります。そんな中、この度の発音コンテストの開催を知りました。今回のコンテストを通し、自分の発音を詳細に評価していただき、自分の弱点や改善点を客観感的に知り、その点を徹底的に鍛え、今後の成長に繋げていきたい。と言うのがまず1番大きな参加理由でございます。 次に他の受講生の皆様と切磋琢磨しお互いに自分の発音を向上させて行きたいと言うことが挙げられます。今回のコンテストではYouTube 等SNSにも進捗状況をアップしていきます。このようにある意味では、他の受講様というライバルと共に逃げ道のない環境に身を置いて、努力をしていくという機会は貴重であり、是非とも、ものにしたいと思っております。 最後の理由は、やや個人的なものとなりますが、2022年の目標のひとつに「何事にもチャレンジする」というのがあります。今での人生の中で、「自分なんかどーせ」と言うような理由から、積極的に行動することが苦手でした。さらにコロナ禍というご時世も重なり、何かに挑戦するということに奥手になっていました。しかし、今回のコンテストに飛び込みチャレンジすることを通し、人としても成長していくきっかけをつくりたい。というのが3つ目の理由でございます。 今回、コンテストへの参加が内定しました暁には、自分の成長のためだけではなく、共にエントリーしている受講者様の成長のため、また、今回のコンテストを大いに盛り上げられるよう努める所存でございます。

Facebook is an extremely popular social media program in the USA as well as other parts of the world. This program allows people to regularly stay in touch and communicate with friends, family and acquaintances on their computers or smart phones. It has enabled many people to reconnect with old friends. Facebook makes it very easy to post photos, stories and comments online, read the post of others and even send private messages back-and-forth. The invention of Facebook by founder Mark Zuckerberg has made him one of the richest people in the world.



4回目 最終(Apr.1)

Comment from Dr. D


4. かーり- 日本在住、40代



“Everyone talked about how you’re an amazing prodigy. From the day of the exams all the way to the Festival, I was always second place. They called me the child prodigy, the top star of the future. I’d always been so cocky, but you utterly destroyed me, which let me be reborn. But now, I won’t lose again to anyone. I’m going to be the Top Star today. And I prove to both of us that I’m more than just your supporting role.” “I look forward to it.” “You are truly infuriating.”


“Everyone talked about how you’re an amazing prodigy. From the day of the exams all the way to the Festival, I was always second place. They called me the child prodigy, the top star of the future. I’d always been so cocky, but you utterly destroyed me, which let me be reborn. But now, I won’t lose again to anyone. I’m going to be the Top Star today. And I prove to both of us that more than just your supporting role.” “I look forward to it.” “You are truly infuriating.”


4回目 最終(Mar.30)

Comment from Dr. D


【最優秀賞】5. maco- ハワイ在住、30代



Once upon a time, on the north shore of Long Island, some 30 miles from New York, there lived a small girl on a large estate. The estate was very large indeed and had many servants. There were gardeners to take care of the gardens, and a tree surgeon on a retainer. Also on the estate, there was a chauffeur by the name of Fairchild, who had been imported from England years ago. together with a new Rolls-Royce. Fairchild was a fine chauffeur of considerable polish like the eight cars in his care. And he had a daughter by the name of Sabrina.


Once upon a time, on the north shore of Long Island, some 30 miles from New York, there lived a small girl on a large estate. The estate was very large indeed and had many servants. There were gardeners to take care of the gardens, and a tree surgeon on a retainer. Also on the estate, there was a chauffeur by the name of Fairchild, who had been imported from England years ago. together with a new Rolls-Royce. Fairchild was a fine chauffeur of considerable polish like the eight cars in his care. And he had a daughter by the name of Sabrina.


4回目 最終(Mar.28)

Comment from Dr. D


Comment from Theta Shoko





【ユニーク賞】6. MJ - インド在住、50代



We will have failures, we will have frustrations but it is a continued commitment that we have to the world around us. My enthusiasm in the new India tomorrow continues to be there, I continue to feel the need to support enterprising young Indian engineers and scientists.

And all of us should be very pleased to play this role and need to support this because all of us should be keen to unleash the Indian Tiger, we haven’t done that as yet. So let us all put our hearts and souls behind with the fact that this is going to be the new India of tomorrow.


We will have failures, we will have frustrations but it is a continued commitment that we have to the world around us. My enthusiasm in the new India tomorrow continues to be there, I continue to feel the need to support enterprising young Indian engineers and scientists.

And all of us should be very pleased to play this role and need to support this because all of us should be keen to unleash the Indian Tiger, we haven’t done that as yet. So let us all put our hearts and souls behind with the fact that this is going to be the new India of tomorrow.


4回目 最終(Mar.17)

Comment from Dr. D


【優秀賞】7. Ayaka - 日本在住、30代



A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in a rut, so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days. The idea is actually pretty simple. Think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days. It turns out 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit — like watching the news — from your life.


A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in a rut, so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days. The idea is actually pretty simple. Think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days. It turns out 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit — like watching the news — from your life.


4回目 最終(Apr.2)

Comment from Dr. D


8. RS - 日本在住、中学生



Several days later, Tommy stopped on the way and looked at the cracked pot. “Look down on your side of the road. Do you see anything?” “Yes,” the cracked pot said in a lonely voice. “I see some grass and a few flowers.” “You see,” Tommy said, “I knew you were losing water, so I planted seeds along your side of the road. And now I am proud of you. You have given life to the dry earth. And look at the grass, the flowers and the butterflies. Now I can even cut some of these pretty flowers for my master’s vase. See, you may be a cracked pot, but you have created beauty around you.” The cracked pot looked around and smiled.


Several days later, Tommy stopped on the way and looked at the cracked pot. “Look down on your side of the road. Do you see anything?” “Yes,” the cracked pot said in a lonely voice. “I see some grass and a few flowers.” “You see,” Tommy said, “I knew you were losing water, so I planted seeds along your side of the road. And now I am proud of you. You have given life to the dry earth. And look at the grass, the flowers and the butterflies. Now I can even cut some of these pretty flowers for my master’s vase. See, you may be a cracked pot, but you have created beauty around you.” The cracked pot looked around and smiled.


4回目 最終(Mar.25)

Comment from Dr. D


9. かず - 日本在住、30代



So when was the last time that you wrote a handwritten note? It’s probably been a while. Technology has changed the way we communicate. We send emails, not letters, text messages, not phone calls. We order delivery instead of cooking dinners in our kitchen. All in the name of efficiency. But here’s the point. Technology has made it easier to communicate. But it hasn’t made it easier to connect with other human beings. I’ve found that the secret to connecting in the high-tech, fast-paced world that we live in, is doing a few small things the old-fashioned way. Write a letter. I’ve written thousands of handwritten notes. Thanking people for advice, thanking them for an interview. It just puts that extra effort to show someone that you really care and that you’re willing to go above and beyond. Some advice for writing a thank-you letter is to really make it clear to the person that you’re writing to the impact that they have had on your life. Talk about something specific. Like “Thank you for the advice that you gave me. It’s because of the advice you gave me, that I am now doing x.” People are looking to make a difference. And so if you can show someone that they’ve really had an impact on the life that you’re living, the life you’re pursuing, it could have a huge impact.


So when was the last time that you wrote a handwritten note? It’s probably been a while. Technology has changed the way we communicate. We send emails, not letters, text messages, not phone calls. We order delivery instead of cooking dinners in our kitchen. All in the name of efficiency. But here’s the point. Technology has made it easier to communicate. But it hasn’t made it easier to connect with other human beings. I’ve found that the secret to connecting in the high-tech, fast-paced world that we live in, is doing a few small things the old-fashioned way. Write a letter. I’ve written thousands of handwritten notes. Thanking people for advice, thanking them for an interview. It just puts that extra effort to show someone that you really care and that you’re willing to go above and beyond. Some advice for writing a thank-you letter is to really make it clear to the person that you’re writing to the impact that they have had on your life. Talk about something specific. Like “Thank you for the advice that you gave me. It’s because of the advice you gave me, that I am now doing x.” People are looking to make a difference. And so if you can show someone that they’ve really had an impact on the life that you’re living, the life you’re pursuing, it could have a huge impact.


4回目 最終(Apr.6)

Comment from Dr. D


10. Mika - 日本在住、30代



See, these are the moments that define us. Not the day you get the promotion, not the day you win teacher of the year. But the times that force you to claw and scratch and fight just to get through the day, the moments when you get knocked down, and you’re wondering whether it’s even worth it to get back up. See, those are the times when you’ve got to ask yourself who am I gonna be?


See, these are the moments that define us. Not the day you get the promotion, not the day you win teacher of the year. But the times that force you to claw and scratch and fight just to get through the day, the moments when you get knocked down, and you’re wondering whether it’s even worth it to get back up. See, those are the times when you’ve got to ask yourself who am I gonna be? And I want to be clear. This isn’t just some vague platitude about building character. In recent years, we’ve actually been seeing a growing body of research that shows that skills like resilience and conscientiousness can be just as important to your success as your test scores or even your IQ.


4回目 最終(Apr.4)

Comment from Dr. D


About Dr.D 603 Articles

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