ドクターD イングリッシュ
発音ディレクター Dr. D
Hello. My name is Alexandra McKain.
/huh ‘lou mai/
/‘neim-iz-a lek/
/’san druh muk/
Linking Patterns
(1) 子音と母音がくっつく
This is a pen /thi si zuh pen/
(2) 語尾の破裂音(t,k,p等)が消える
It took me a lot /i(t) too(k) mia laa(t)/
(3) 別々の単語の母音同士が同化する
There are lot /their laa(t)/
(4) Tの音が変化する(T flapping)
Want a lot of it /waa ナ laa ラ vi(t)/
(5) Hの音が消える (H dropping)
Love her style. /luh ver stail/
Pronunciation Exc.
America will soon be greater,
/uh ‘me ri kuh wil ‘soon bi ‘grei ter/
/’straan ger/
and far more exceptional
/an ‘far mor ek ‘sep shuh nul/
than ever before.
/than-’e ver bi ‘for/
I return to the presidency
/ai ri ‘tern tu thuh ‘pre zi dun si/
confident and optimistic
/’kaan fi dun(t) an-aap ti ‘mis tik/
that we are at the start
/tha(t) ‘wier a(t) thuh ‘star(t)/
of a thrilling new era
/aav ei ‘thri ling nu ‘e ruh/
of national success.
/aav ‘na shuh nul suk ‘ses/
A tide of change is sweeping
the country,
/ei ‘taid-uv ‘cheinj-iz ‘swee ping
thuh ‘kun tree/
sunlight is pouring over the
entire world,
/’sun lait-iz ‘por ing-’ou ver thee
en ‘tai er werld/
and America has the chance
/an-uh ‘me ri kuh haz tuh ‘chans/
to seize this opportunity
/tu ‘seez this aap-uh ‘too nuh ti/
like never before.
/lai(k) ‘ne ver bi ‘for/
But first, we must be honest
/bu(t) ‘fers(t) ‘wi mus(t) bi ‘ah nust/
about the challenges we face.
/uh ‘bau(t) thuh ‘chein jiz wee ‘feis/
While they are plentiful,
/wail their plen ti ful/
they will be annihilated
/thei wil bi-uh ‘nai-uh lei te(d)/
by this great momentum
/bai this ‘grei(t) mou ‘men tum/
that the world is now witnessing
/tha(t) thuh ‘werld-iz nau ‘wi(t) ne
in the United States of America.
/in thuh yu ‘nai te(d) ‘steits-uv-uh
‘me ri kah/
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