これは偶然なのですが、当スクールに医療関係の受講生が多い理由は名前が「ドクターDイングリッシュ」だからでしょう(笑)例えば「ドクター 英語」と検索すると、このサイトが1ページ目にヒットします。YouTubeで検索しても僕の動画がトップでヒットします。What a coincidence!です(笑)
Script Reading
Mrs. A is a 67-year-old female with a past medical history significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, asthma, and DM type II who presents with a 5-day history of progressive shortness of breath. Her symptoms began about 5 days ago when she was cleaning out her basement and was exposed to a lot of dust. Her albuterol rescue inhaler initially relieved her symptoms, however she has now noticed rather significant exertional dyspnea while walking around the block.
① 文章をスラッシュで区切る
Mrs. A / is a 67-year-old female / with a past medical history / significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, asthma, and DM type II / who presents with a 5-day history / of progressive shortness of breath. Her symptoms began / about 5 days ago / when she was cleaning out her basement / and was exposed to a lot of dust. / Her albuterol rescue inhaler / initially relieved her symptoms, / however she has now noticed / rather significant exertional dyspnea / while walking around the block.
② アクセントを置く位置を確認する
Mrs. A / is a sixty-seven-year-old female / with a past medical history / significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, asthma, and DM type two / who presents with a five-day history / of progressive shortness of breath. Her symptoms began / about five days ago / when she was cleaning out her basement / and was exposed to a lot of dust. / Her albuterol rescue inhaler / initially relieved her symptoms, / however she has now noticed / rather significant exertional dyspnea / while walking around the block.
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