1. 文をシラブルに区切る
When/ I/ was/ twen/ty/ se/ven/ years/ old/,
2. シラブルを滑らかにつなぐ
/we nai wuz twen nee se vun nyeerz zald/
3. ストレスを置く
/we NAI wuz TWE nee SE vun NYEERZ ZALD/
When I was twenty seven years old, I left a very demanding job in management consulting for a job that was even more demanding: teaching.
I went to teach seventh graders math in the New York City public schools. And like any teacher, I made quizzes and tests. I gave out homework assignments. When the work came back, I calculated grades.
from TED by Angela Lee Duckworth
2. 単語をシラブルに区切る
3. シラブルをつなぐ
1. チャンクに区切る
When I was twenty seven years old,
I left a very demanding job
in management consulting
for a job
that was even more demanding:
I went to teach seventh graders math
in the New York City public schools.
And like any teacher,
I made quizzes and tests.
I gave out homework assignments.
When the work came back,
I calculated grades.
2. 単語をシラブルに区切る
When I was twen ty se ven years old,
I left a ve ry de man ding job
in ma nage ment con sul ting
for a job
that was e ven more de man ding:
tea ching.
I went to teach se venth gra ders math
in the New York Ci ty pub lic schools.
And like a ny tea cher,
I made quiz zes and tests.
3. シラブルをつなぐ
When I was twen ty se ven years old,
/we nai wuz twe nee se vun neerz zald/
I left a ve ry de man ding job
/ai left duh ve ree de man ding jahb/
in ma nage ment con sul ting
/in ma nij ment kun sul ting/
for a job
/for ruh jahb/
that was e ven more de man ding:
/that wuz zee vun mor de man ding/
tea ching.
/tee ching/
I went to teach se venth gra ders math
/ai went tu teech se vunth grei ders math/
in the New York Ci ty pub lic schools.
/in the noo york si tee pub lik skools/
And like a ny tea cher,
/an lai ke nee tee cher/
I made quiz zes and tests.
/ai meid kwi zeez zan tests/
I gave out home work as sign ments.
/ai gei vaut houm werk kas sain ments/
When the work came back,
/wen the werk keim bak/
I cal cu la ted grades.
/ai kal kyu lei ded greidz/
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